CD School House 10
CD School House - Education and Games (10.0) - Wayzata Technology (1995).iso
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DOS Batch File
188 lines
@echo off
if not "%1"=="" goto %1
kls 1
box welcome.txt /c79 /i4 /x78
music fanf >NUL
write "STEENBURGH's STUFF Version 3.0" 207 /r7 /c
waitfor 2
box welcome2.txt /s- /c68 /i4 /x78
write "Copyright 1993 Tay-Jee Software" /r16 /c 76
input "Press any key to continue..." /r19 /c 79 /q
kls 1
box intro.txt /c79 /i4 /x78
input "Press any key to continue..." /r22 /c 31 /q
kls 1
write "First, we'll survey your system...please wait." /r1 /l10 31
chksys all>demo.tmp
box demo.tmp /c79 /i4 /x78
write "Use CHKSYS to determine the status of system drivers and other functions." /r22 /c 31
input "Forward Index Quit " /kFIQ /q /c 31 /r24 /i
if errorlevel 3 goto end
if errorlevel 2 goto index
kls 1
write "Next, we'll look at your disk drives:" /r1 /l10 31
skip 3
skip 2
input /d /q /i /mDRV /c 31
chkdrv %DRV%:>demo.tmp
space %DRV%: /sk>>demo.tmp
kls 1
box demo.tmp /c79 /i4 /x78
input "Another drive, or Continue presentation? " /kAC /q /c 31 /r22 /i
if not errorlevel 2 goto part2
echo Your system's video card >demo.tmp
skip >>demo.tmp
kls 0 /v >>demo.tmp
write "Let's take a look at your video system..." /r1 /l10 15
box demo.tmp /c14 /i0 /x15
waitfor 3
write "The following color/grayscale patterns are available." /r17 /c 15
input /a- /MATTR /r19 /c
kls /b%ATTR%
if errorlevel 2 if not errorlevel 4 goto extend
waitfor 3
write "With KLS, you can clear the screen in color," /r22 /c 14
write "or independently set the border color." /r23 /c 14
waitfor 3
for %%d in (0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 0 0) do kls /b%%d
input "Forward Backward Index Quit " /kFBIQ /q /c 31 /r24 /i
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto index
if errorlevel 2 goto part2
kls 4
write "How about some noise?" /r1 /l10 79
sounder /t10 /l10 +
write "SOUNDER can produce BILLIONS of random sound effects." /r10 /c 78
waitfor 2
waitfor 2
write "Tired of the same old beep that you get so used to it's meaningless?" /r12 /c 78
waitfor 2
sounder /t5 /l20 +
waitfor 2
write "SOUNDER can also make some pretty unique noises..." /r14 /c 78
waitfor 2
sounder /e3 /f
waitfor 2
write "Of course, if you're into serious tunes, then MUSIC is for you..." /r16 /c 78
waitfor 2
music heyjude2 >NUL
kls 4
write "As you can see, STEENBURGH's STUFF can really make your PC sound off-" /r12 /c 79
write "And that ain't just whistlin' dixie!" /r14 207 /c
waitfor 3
music dixie2 >NUL
kls 4
write "As you can see, STEENBURGH's STUFF can really make your PC sound off-" /r12 /c 79
write "And that ain't just whistlin' dixie!" /r14 207 /c
input "Forward Backward Index Quit " /kFBIQ /q /c 79 /r24 /i
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto index
if errorlevel 2 goto part3
kls 7
write "With STEENBURGH's STUFF, Time is on your side..." /r1 /l10 112
write "You can format almost any element of the time and date any way you want:" /r4 /c 116
clk "The time is now: %%X" /r6 /c 112
clk "Hey you! It's %%I:%%M %%p. Get a watch!" /r8 79 /c
clk "Today is %%A, %%B %%d %%Y" /r10 112 /c
write "What's more, unlike the DATE and TIME commands in DOS, with CLK" /r13 /c 112
write "you won't be prompted for a new value each time you use it." /r14 /c 112
write "WHENISIT allows you to perform errorlevel tests on the time and date," /r17 /c 116
write "or perform a once-a-day check - one of our most requested features." /r18 /c 116
input "Forward Backward Index Quit " /kFBIQ /q /c 112 /r24 /i
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto index
if errorlevel 2 goto part4
kls 1
write "INPUT is the most powerful part of STEENBURGH's STUFF" /r1 /l10 31
write "You've already seen how INPUT is useful for selecting disk drives & colors." /r4 /c 30
write "INPUT can also directly manipulate environment variables." /r5 /c 30
write "Let's try an example." /r7 /c 31
input "Enter a value for the variable STUFF: " /r9 /c /f20 /MSTUFF 113 31
write "OK, now let's take a look at your system's environment strings..." /r12 /c 31
input "Press any key to continue..." /r15 /c 30
kls 1
write "You can later use INPUT to edit this variable." /r6 /c 31
write "Go ahead, move the cursor all around the field." /r7 /c 31
input "Edit the value for the variable STUFF: " /r9 /c /f20 /MSTUFF 113 31
write "OK, now let's take a look at your system's NEW environment strings..." /r12 /c 31
input "Press any key to continue..." /r15 /c 30
input "Forward Backward Index Quit " /kFBIQ /q /c 112 /r24 /i
if errorlevel 4 goto end
if errorlevel 3 goto index
if errorlevel 2 goto part5
kls 0
box wrapup.txt /c31 /i3 /x48
input "Index Quit" /kIQ /i /r24 15 /c
if errorlevel 2 goto end
kls 1
batbox index.mnu /o /p3 >NUL
if errorlevel 9 goto end
if errorlevel 8 set PDOC=STUFF.DOC
if errorlevel 8 goto print
if errorlevel 7 goto order
if errorlevel 6 goto part6
if errorlevel 5 goto part5
if errorlevel 4 goto part4
if errorlevel 3 goto part3
if errorlevel 2 goto part2
if errorlevel 1 goto part1
goto end
kls 1
box order.txt /c78 /i4 /x79
music hallelu>NUL
input "Would you like to print an order form?" /Y /c /r22 79
if errorlevel 1 goto print
goto index
kls 1
chkprn lpt1|sift /f:>demo.tmp
chkprn lpt2|sift /f:>>demo.tmp
chkprn lpt3|sift /f:>>demo.tmp
write "CHKPRN has determined the status of your printer(s):" /r3 /c 31
box demo.tmp /c79 /i4 /x78
input "Select a printer port: " /K123 /q /r20 /c 31 /MLPT
if errorlevel 254 goto index
call safeprn.bat %PDOC% LPT%LPT%
waitfor 3
goto index
waitfor 3
write "With KLS, you can clear the screen in color," /r22 /c 14
write "or independently set the border color." /r23 /c 14
kls /x
waitfor 3
write "You can also switch back and forth between EGA/VGA extended modes." /r30 /c 15
waitfor 5
kls /b%ATTR% /n 0
write "Let's take a look at your video system..." /r1 /l10 15
box demo.tmp /c14 /i0 /x15
write "With KLS, you can clear the screen in color," /r22 /c 14
write "or independently set the border color." /r23 /c 14
goto resume
kls 1
box theend.txt /c78 /i4 /x79
music tarara>NUL